The science of astrophysics has been put to sleep years ago, to hide the Ice Age dynamics. With the Ice Age phase shift as close as the 2050s, it has become an existentially critical issue to revive the lost science. That’s what my Ice Age video productions aim for.
Great science projects have measured the Sun and its effects on the Earth. Scientific measurements were conducted intensively, over many years, with amazing results. And the results all tell us the same story, that the Sun is getting progressively weaker and the climate on Earth is getting colder and dryer. But who heeds the voice of science? For numerous reasons, society has been put to sleep with politically motivated fairy tales. It has been taught to close its eyes while it stands at the edge of a precipice.
Cosmic science isn’t hard to understand when it is sufficiently presented. Towards this end I have presented the scientific discoveries that have been made over the years, and have presented the discoveries in my numerous exploration video productions that I have hosted on my website, ‘Ice Age Ahead’. The purpose of this video is to illustrate some of the features of the website related to Ice Age Science.
Transcripts at: