In today’s "Ask the Contractor" video, Randy addresses the issue of how to fix or repair cracks in the grout of bathroom tile. For more daily tips and tricks, follow us on twitter on
Transcription: Hi. My name is Randy. I’m a general contractor in the Dallas area. I’m here today with and our Ask the Contractor question. Today’s question is how do you fix or repair cracks in the grout of bathroom tile?
If they’re not super bad you can actually go over them with what is called a grout caulk, again, it depends on how old the grout is because its color matched. Anything over a couple of years old the color’s probably not going to match but a quick fix is you can find appropriate color caulk that has sand or un-sanded and put that in the cracks.
The correct way to do this is to remove the old the old grout. Now there are tools you can buy or rent to remove the old grout. There are also professionals that do this and make it look a whole lot easier because it’s very labor intensive especially if you have a lot of grout that needs removed. Again, if it’s a small area you can buy or rent a small tool, take out the old grout and then re-grout it to get rid of the cracks that way.
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